With Windows 10 May 2020 Update, the company added Windows Feature Experience Pack out of the box. You can check by going to Settings > System > System Information. Scroll down to the bottom, you will find a new entry called Experience with the description “Windows Feature Experience Pack v120.2202.130.0“. The reason is unclear why Microsoft officials didn’t discuss about it. Also, there’s no information about what this pack is about and what news what new it has. Don’t worry! We will tell you everything you need to know about the pack.
Windows Feature Experience Pack in Windows 10 v2004
Windows Feature Experience Pack is an optional features package having various important features required for the proper functioning of the Windows OS. So we recommend you not remove this page. The pack has a size of 45MB and you can update it from Microsoft Store. Some of the features available in this pack are as follow:
New screen capture experienceImproved text input panelNew shell-related hint interface
It is expected that Microsoft will add more feature to this package in future, with purpose to make it easier for the users to upgrade the feature right from store, instead of waiting for the latest version to be released by the company. Microsoft may be adding more and more features and operating system elements to this package in the future so that we can upgrade them more quickly by leveraging the Store, instead of having to wait for a new version of Windows 10 to be released. Do you Windows Feature Experience Pack after installing the Windows 10 version 2004? What feature you want the company to include in this pack? Let us know in the comments. Thanks, ZDnet for the news!